But the behavior behind some mentally deranged people around dogs the excuses the dogs enable is unacceptable. Its sucks to be 2nd fiddle to a pet. I wanted to leave so badly, but at the time had no job and nowhere to go. She constantly is dropping her slobbery toys in my lap. on all of that! His Sara it turned out he was a narcissist abuser who nearly successfully killed me, I lef him in January this year and Im writing a book on it. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. Thank you guys for your advice; really appreciate it and it comforts me knowing Im not alone. Me and my partner have been together for nine years and I relocated to his country in order to live with him. The hair drives me crazy!!!! But weve started talking about marriage and a life together. He encouraged the dependency and neediness to a level that I find extreme he hasnt even taken a vacation in 5 years because he wont leave his dog for even one night. He doesnt say snide comments to his dog. The way she treats her dog is how she approaches life in general with no boundaries. I honestly believe its because people get dogs when they are single and lonely. They each have their own unique personalities and I loved them all. Also I would recommend getting a male dog, the female are too much and too aggressive and much more work IMO. And YESthe licking noises disgust and annoy me like crazy too. She does everything I ask even hold still for jackets and lifts her legs for her harness. Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that there is a legitimate reason against him. Instead, it is all about the dogs. He likes her because she acts sweet to him and he has a lot more patience than I do. If you managed to do that, good for you and the dog! He is a loser you will find someone better. The dog is aggressive towards other pets in the house and other dogs and small creatures in the outside world. The worst part is that Ive really held back on my feelings to him and when I do start to express my frustration, he can become quite angry and the dog is immediately placed on the highest pedestal. And he hated even finding hair outside Why? I know you arent obligated to care for a dog that isnt yours, but it would help you bond with the dog. Her hair gets e v e r y w h e r e. At night we are forced to put her in the kitchen because she crawls up on the couch while we are sleeping, and its obvious because the couch is covered in fur. Never got bad until we moved into a new place together. Dump the bf and get with someone who lives your dog as much as you do! H*** No! That lasted for about a week and she would let the dog on the sofa and bed when I wasnt there. Everything we want to plan and do revolves around him and how long her parents can watch him. Weve been together 2 years, lived together for 1. Instead, I set up a crate and dog bed in the walk in closet. You can enjoy animals without neglecting your partners wishes. Second, take your dog to a training class and invite your boyfriend to come along. In Peru, they smack them with a stick and then eat them. The dog might end up dead if it is given away . If a veterinarian has completed a thorough exam on the dog, and says the dog is medically unwell and it cant be fixed, and that in their professional opinion the dog is vicious, then euthanasia should be considered. My bf refuses to train them, and it has worsened the quality of my life. Luckily, for the past months has hasnt mentioned too much about them and things are going better between us thankfully. He said that all he did was pick him up to take him outside. The counselor told me I was jealous. You are not crazy!!! Ive actually stopped sleeping in the same bed because Fido hogs up so much of the bed that I cant ever get comfortable, so Im now sleeping in the 2nd bedroom while my boyfriend and the dog sleep together! I have been married for 9 years and during this time I have leaved uncomfortably with a German Shepherd dog. When cooking, the dogs are right there in the kitchen in the way, so you constantly have to make sure you dont step on them. That wont change Kelly. The dog is 100% dependent upon the human and knows it is. And they poop and pee in the house every day and he espects me to be okay with it! Before reading this blog, I thought I was going crazy thinking the way I did or maybe that is the way my partner treats me. I have asked many times if we could transition him to the crate or his own bed at night but I always have gotten the statement of people dont get frenchies to put them in a crate, they get them to baby. Even babies need some boundaries and rules! Ive had dogs but these arent dogs: theyre living gods. I knew this dog was hurting. Have faith that what you feel is correct. I agree accidents can happen. if he refuses to even try & compromise in this kind of way then i say cut Hed spend hours touching the animal while I didnt receive any physical touch. Best to put him in a bed in another room. Tell that guy to pack his clothes and his dog and cat and GET THE HECK OUT!!!!!! When I tell him that those dogs need to be trained, he gets supercold and defenisive. Not. Send your dog away to live in utter dog pack madness where she will regress or train her properly and stop,acting like shes a human with human feelings! For instance she thought one had eaten rat poison around my chuck coup miles away from anywhere they would wander, but the vet charged several hundred dollars each just incase they had in injections fees, its not funny, im in big trouble. She Says its either her and the baby or my dogs. Dog owners who pretend their mutts children should be banned from dog ownership they pretend no one else harmed yet are likely responsibility of injuries/deaths and I truly believe passive aggressives with strangely inflated misguided egos where they are center. Just after I clean after hin, who is extremely messy by the way. But I cant handle this. He was even nice to my cat and the cat loved being on his lap. Responsibility I believe is key. They are the selfish ones with no respect. I tried to do this, but it was too much. I cant take the smell, the constant whining, crying and begging, the accidents and just the overrall attitude of this king dog. In my opinion you only making it worse and making him think he is the alpha male as he gets his way. I love the dog and take care if him all day everyday while my boyfriend is at work. I also have the same issue with my cat! I am married 4 years and must admit that i have never had pets. Not to mention the hair. If you attempt to put him another room, he will whine and cry until let out. Sounds like your spouse loves you less than the dog. This is so frustrating. Sure, he will tolerate it, but it is really difficult to live with someone who is just tolerating a massive part of your life (you dont have to be a dog nut for this to happen, thats just the reality of dog ownership). 17. They need to be given lots of credit. How i took it she chose the dog over me. If your dog has an awful habit of biting people, especially on your kids, the husband may become furious at the dog and resulting in attempting to rehome or get rid of the dog. WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN! So there are now TWO beserk, crazy energetic, demanding, needy, anxious, drooling, stinky dogs that are running the house. I know what it feels like to be second to the dog. It truly is frustrating.. One of them has a urination problem. I do love my SO but I am finding myself dreading being at home and missing my old life with my dog free apartment. He, of course, did nothing to help the situation but get irritated with me. She is not misbehaved whatsoever. I soooo feel the heartache youre in. They also fart constantly and I dont need to smell dog fart while Im eating either! Pets are fine and you may even like them. Never cleaned and they sleep together, and he had insisted that doggy was in my 7000 bed ruining my Hermes bedding (bf said my problem). The relationship is still really new and at least Im trying. For example, just the other night he calls her to come back 9 times and then says good girl. Current relationshipboyfriend moves in, we get engaged, a year later I finally break down and find him a dog It broke his heart that the place I had by myself would only allow my cat so when we moved he got his dog. I dont think you are wrong for feeling the way you do (we should never apologize for FEELING a certain way), but I think communicating to him how it is making you feel might help. For now this isnt a huge issue because I have my own place. Its been 6 months and Im still not used to things but its the sacrifice weve both had to endure. Basically, a life with this man and his dogs will mean not having my own needs met, and being second-place beneath the dogs. The problem isnt your dog its how you treat it. Dogs are not kids, gah that makes me want to vomit. Sounds like a perfect case . If more people could understand this principle there wouldnt be so many broken marriages and relationships in the world. Its called proper training and reminding the dog that they are a dog and not a human. I have so was so hurt and mad at what she said to one of my friends. I watched him as he sat to the left of her, take her head. I wonder if its possible to have a healthy relationship with a Dog Nut, as they will always place their pet as #1. its her baby and thats how theyve always been. But, on the slim chance the dog really was in immediate danger, you could and should find a home for it where every adult in that home wants the dog. A lot of peple commenting on here have been outright rude to say people need therapy for loving their dogs too much or treating them like humans. I have asked numerous times for him to get his 9inch nails clipped but that also goes ignored. Okay since then my 3 kids and I have moved twice and recently moved into a home and my boyfriend of 6 months has moved in with us. He gets no exercise, is poorly socialized, and has very little training. She doesnt know the meaning of no and in general sucks. There are a few things you should try before giving the dog up. Its all about compromising and some women cant get everything they want just like men. Today had an argument with my husband about his dog. Anyways, my solution to that problem when it happened was Im very sorry, I really do love you, but I also love him, and he was here first. There is NO excuse for a dog that bites a person!!!!! It was like a kiss of passion of his head moved right to left and left to right. But I do treat my dogs as my children, the reason is simple, I cannot have children. It would be one thing if he would actually take of it instead of just thinking it is a novelty and play toy. I guess hearing your story has helped me realise even more I need to end it. You have to find conpromise. Anyhow, now that he is older, this is our live: he walks up and down the halls at least 3x times per night between midnight and 6:00 am to be let out so we never get a real solid sleep. I uprooted to move all the way to a small middle eastern country leaving all that i cherished ( career,family,friends) behind and was shocked to find my husbands cat coming along. Kick her and the dog out. She does only what he has allowed all this time because of how his past relationships have gone. Its not the dogs: its the people, and its not us, its them. And I cant stand to think I have to take care of the dog after the baby is born. This is keeping me very busy the last days and I feel like one dog has to go if I want to keep my relationship. It was wearing diapers for at least six months, walking into walls, it forgot who we were, forgot its name, and forgot any commands. In fact, it will lead to so many arguments down the line. My husband lost his job and soon after we moved next to his parents and his attitude towards the cat changed. I know he loves the dog and so do I. I have no idea what to do at this point. relationships. This year we are planning to move to a rural area. He usually tells me, he cant disipline the THING because it can get sick and DIE.seriously? her reasoning? Challenging for sure when polar opposites. Lets just say 1 more time that dog is gone!!!! If I get up from the couch she will jump in my place and not move and the GF just smiles it off. Who in the world prefers to sleep with animals over his wife??!! I do not want our marriage to end because of an animal that is not even part of our family. Jay, thanks for posting what has occurred since your relationship ended in your life. I am very sad that my life has been destroyed and means so little to my partner. Well about 5 months after giving them to my mom, a week after delivery of our baby boy, my dog was hit and killed by a car. These dogs have done $8,000 to my brand new home and this has destroyed what should have been a great time in our lives and a time of healing. He loves kids like I love animals. It was a argument we had. Weve even tried fixing it but he chews through everything we try to fix it with. If your partner does not respect how you feel towards animal rearing, they certainly will respect you with other things as well. HOLD YOUR OWN GROUND! It is not fair for anyone to have to give up an animal they care for or accept one that they hate. Compromise. I worry about if I ever left my baby playing on the floor for a minute and his dog were to want her attention would he bite her or scratch her? He said he couldnt give up the dogs. I tell him it hurts my feelings when he says things like that about my dog, wishing her dead all the time, but he says what about MY feelings, how I hate the dog, that I do not care that he hates my dog and he feels he has to live with this animal he hates. Keep in mind that he coaxed her with deer which is her absolute FAVORITE. I dont know you but I do know that nobody deserves to be treated like this: its time to move on. People are humans. I cant stay in the kitchen (where they stay) because they bother me. The dog issues certainly are draining you of your time (and your sleep!). If I hadnt told him I wouldnt marry him if the big yellow female lab was allowed to sleep in our bed, she would have. Before we even met he has had a medium sized border collie/labrador cross and a cat from a previous relationship. I feel like beau and I walk on eggshells every time hes around. I love my husband, he is a fantastic man, in every way. Im at the point of getting an apartment because at this point I dream of living in a home without animals. If this is the situation, your husband/boyfriend is probably incorrect. I find myself not wanting to cone home. When theres conflict over pets, getting specific about the problem can help you figure out a solution. I know it sounds like an affair or somthing but im sure its just stress from her job, she is an on call midwife at a major city hospital, so well under the pump. These same dogs that these dog nuts break up with people over, would leave these people in a heart beat if someone came along with a juicy bit of steak. I basically said no more, I am not staying over if the dog is in the bed. )When were in bed trying to go to sleep the dog sits in your face and stares for literally an hour. Unfortunately, he does not want to enforce rules and training so he complains about barking/housebreaking. I was used to Rocky sleeping with me. He gets very rowdy with me when I try to catch his attention about it. Even today, shes now kept in the basement due to beginning stages of hip dysphasia, he only showers down there and takes her nightly after dinner a plastic plate of tidbits of our dinner to lick. For he first three, my husband behaved as though he was married to his dog and I was made to feel second in value. Well now she takes anything and everything and runs outside with it to destroy it. They have personalities as people do and understand boundaries. The wife claims its not fair I came with 2 and she only has one. Then you need to take action to solve whatever issue the dog has with that promise on your hand, resulting in the husband/boyfriend refusing to get rid of the dog. Whenever I bring up the issue he gets super defensive and says we just need a house with a bigger backyard and another dog for him to play him which I am completely against that makes as much sense as having a kid to fix a marriage. I wouldnt stay with someone that is a flake. Help. If you want to be with him youll have to compromise and so will he with regular baths, air fresheners, daily vacuum sessions even though it seems pointless, and boundaries until the dog is passes on. Its interesting that the partners of dog fanatics are a mix of men and women. Learning stages for a puppy are very difficult and tiring on them, too. There have been instances while I have not been home that my dog will pee on the floor when he wants her to go outside or if he walks into the room (this has happened 5 times over 2 years). There are times when I feel like choking that dog due to the amount of aggravation from him not being obedient and being spoiled !!! Are too much chews through everything we want to plan and do revolves around and... Moved next to his country in order to live with him with other things as well get his 9inch clipped... Can watch him want just like men dogs the excuses the dogs: theyre living.! Making it worse and making him think he is a fantastic man, in way... Dog might end up dead if it is a fantastic man, in way! Do not want to vomit a cat from a previous relationship really and. People, and has very little training border collie/labrador cross and a cat from a previous.. Sits in your life you guys for your advice ; really appreciate it and it comforts knowing. 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